Sunday 15 July 2018

Roald Dahl and Green Dragon Eco Farm

Hi there,

At the end of June, a friend of mine came to visit me for the weekend. I was very excited to see him as I hadn't seen him since March before that. We had a great weekend including visiting Aylesbury Roald Dahl Museum. I had so much fun there. There is so much to do for adults as well as children. It brought back so many memories from my childhood reading Roald Dahl's stories. I think my favourite as a child was  Matilda and the scene with Bruce Bogtrotter eating the chocolate cake has stayed with me. I hope everyone can find as much joy from reading these stories as I can.

The walled garden with beds, stepping stones and Rhubarb.
 On the Sunday morning we both decided it was time to see some animals. We agreed to visit the Green Dragon Eco Farm. It wasn't too expensive for a ticket at £9.00. The farm is definitely aimed at children and families but that didn't stop my friend and I from having the time of our lives. The cafe was fairly cheap and offered a big lunch which filled us both up for the rest of the day.

Bamboos canes providing a trellis for Bean plants.
I wasn't expecting there to be a walled garden on the site but it is a beautiful addition to the farm and an educational example of eco-friendly gardening showcasing hydroponics, recycling and composting. Peaceful and colourful, the garden is a quiet place to sit and contemplate the world going by while outside the farm is very busy with children and families laughing and having lots of fun.

So many herbs including Rosemary and Chives.

I became enamoured with the sheep and goats which you are allowed to feed with pellets that can be bought at the shop on the way in. I assure you they know that they are going to get fed when you walk up to the fence as they come racing over to be the first ones to get some.

So many goats!
 Unfortunately we didn't a chance to visit the wildflower meadow as the easiest route to it is currently closed off for the works on the new wildlife zone and we did not fancy trudging along next to the hedgerows and being bitten to death by insects to see the meadow. I want to go back in August once they have finished the new area as it seems like it will be a great addition to the farm providing more educational facilities and larger enclosures for their animals.

This one was definitely the greediest!

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